Brussels, 8 May 2002
8769/02 (Presse 127)
P 60/02

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the situation in Madagascar

The European Union remains convinced that only an agreement between the parties, and national reconciliation, will make it possible to resolve the present crisis and to preserve the integrity and unity of the country. In this connection, the decision by the Governors of Tulear, Diego Suarez, Tamatave and Majunga to declare the independence of their provinces is particularly regrettable and certainly does not help the search for a peaceful and democratic solution to the crisis. The European Union would also encourage the parties to do everything possible to allow the resumption of economic activity, which will involve the lifting of roadblocks, as provided for in the Dakar agreement.

The European Union is convinced that the Dakar agreement remains the appropriate framework for the achievement of a solution.

The European Union welcomes the renewed efforts by President Wade, who is organising a new meeting with Mr Ravalomanana and Mr Ratsiraka in Dakar on 13 May, and those of the OAU to encourage the implementation of the objectives of the Dakar agreement.